Foods to Avoid With Hypothyroidism - And Foods That Help

This article will discuss what foods to avoid with Hypothyroidism and it will also give some examples of what foods you can eat that will actually help improve your condition. I'll also explain what Hypothyroidism is and what some of the causes are.

Hypothyroidism is a condition where the Thyroid gland doesn't produce enough Thyroid hormones. This in turn starts to slow the body down bringing with it a whole range of symptoms such as extreme tiredness, intolerance to cold temperatures, weight gain and many others.

\"Losing Weight With Hypothyroidism\"

Hypothyroidism can be caused by Iodine deficiency and it can also be inherited but there may be many more causes such as exposure to toxins and chemicals throughout the course of our lives. The conventional method of treating Hypothyroidism is with a synthetic version of the Thyroid hormone Thyroxine (T4) and this usually works well for most people. Others may suffer from bad side effects as they are unable to tolerate a synthetic hormone and so they must find alternatives. This can be done with natural Thyroid hormones derived from pigs Thyroid glands or by naturopathic medicine which uses detox programs together with healing herbs, vitamins and minerals.

Foods to Avoid With Hypothyroidism - And Foods That Help

Even some foods can inhibit the Thyroid gland's production of hormones; so what are the foods to avoid with Hypothyroidism? Vegetables such as Broccoli, Cabbage, Kale and mustard greens and fruits such as pears and peaches all contain goitrogens which are substances which suppress the function of the Thyroid gland. The above can be eaten in moderation if cooked thoroughly because cooking usually inactivates the goitrogens contained in the food.

Foods which may help improve Hypothyroidism are foods rich in Tyrosine such as chicken, pork, legumes, avocados, bananas and dairy products. Also foods containing Selenium are good for the Thyroid because Selenium is needed to convert the hormone T4 in to the more active T3 (Triiodothyronine).

Foods to Avoid With Hypothyroidism - And Foods That Help

To find out more about Hypothyroidism and alternative methods of treatment please visit my Hypothyroidism remedies blog.