Why Is Losing Weight With Hypothyroidism So Difficult?

If you have hypothyroidism and are having difficulty losing weight, then I'm about to reveal why this is a common problem, and will show you how you can lose this weight. To begin with, let's discuss what happens when someone with hypothyroidism tries to lose weight. Like any other person, they will be cautious about what they eat, and probably will try to exercise regularly. But another factor which will most likely be looked into is their thyroid hormone levels.

However, there are many people who seem to eat well, exercise on a regular basis, and take thyroid hormone, yet still have problems losing weight. Why is this so? In order to better understand this, let's take a look at each of the factors which are important to losing weight for someone who has hypothyroidism.

\"Losing Weight With Hypothyroidism\"

Hypothyroid Weight Loss Factor #1: Eating well. Eating a healthy diet is of course important to losing weight. One problem is that many people worry too much about restricting calories, when their main focus should be on eating a diet consisting mostly of whole foods, and minimizing the refined foods and sugars. Some diets claim that the person can eat anything they want, as long as they restrict the number of calories they eat. But while calorie restriction is important to some extent, if you eat mostly whole foods and avoid processed foods, there is a good chance you not only will lose weight, but there is a better chance you will keep it off for good.

Why Is Losing Weight With Hypothyroidism So Difficult?

Hypothyroid Weight Loss Factor #2: Exercise. You of course should exercise regularly. Engaging in 30 minutes of mild to moderate continuous cardiovascular exercise three to five days each week is ideal. Just make sure you don't exercise too vigorously, as this isn't healthy for your body. If your hypothyroid symptoms are preventing you from having the energy to exercise, then you might need to focus on the other factors I'm discussing here, and then once you begin feeling better you can start exercising. If you aren't currently on a regular exercise program, then you probably will want to speak with your medical doctor to confirm there are no underlying health issues you should be aware of. And you will then want to begin slowly, perhaps starting out with five to ten minutes of continuous cardiovascular exercise, and then slowly increasing the number of minutes until you build up to 30 minutes daily.

Hypothyroid Weight Loss Factor #3: Thyroid hormone levels. Taking synthetic or natural thyroid hormone may regulate the thyroid hormone levels, but it isn't always successful in doing this. Sometimes the doctor will need to modify the dosage, and it can take a few times of changing the dosage before the thyroid hormone levels are within a normal range. On the other hand, if your hypothyroid condition isn't due to thyroid surgery or RAI, then following a natural thyroid treatment protocol might be able to restore your thyroid health back to normal. If this is something which interests you then you might want to consider consulting with a natural endocrine doctor.

Hypothyroid Weight Loss Factor #4: Other hormones. In addition to an imbalance in thyroid hormone, other hormones can be imbalanced, which will make it nearly impossible to lose weight. For example, the condition estrogen dominance can make it extremely difficult to lose weight. This condition involves an imbalance in the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Most endocrinologists and other types of medical doctors don't do anything to evaluate these hormone levels, and this is a big reason why people with hypothyroidism have problems losing weight.

Insulin resistance is another condition which can make it almost impossible to lose weight. Eating well and minimizing the amount of refined foods and sugars you eat can help with this condition. On the other hand, if estrogen dominance is the culprit then it will usually take more than just eating well to correct this problem.

In summary, if you have hypothyroidism and are having difficulty losing weight, you need to consider these factors I've discussed in this article. While the first two factors are something you can directly control, the third and fourth factors require the assistance of either a medical or holistic doctor. Although eating well and exercising regularly are important, hormone balance is just as important, as if you have certain hormone imbalances then it will be very difficult, if not impossible to lose weight.

Why Is Losing Weight With Hypothyroidism So Difficult?

Dr. Eric Osansky is a licensed healthcare professional who personally used natural treatment methods to restore his health back to normal when he was diagnosed with an autoimmune thyroid disorder. For more information on how to use natural treatment methods to treat your autoimmune thyroid disorder, including a free video and 46-page guide entitled "6 Steps On How To Treat Graves' Disease & Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Naturally", please visit his website at http://www.naturalendocrinesolutions.com.